Magnesium Helps with Sleep and Anxiety: Radiate Calm for Self-Care

I used to wake up in the middle of the night with my heart racing and my eyes wide open. I could hear my husband snoring softly next to me, and I would listen hard to make sure my kids weren’t calling me, awake from a bad dream. When I could sense that everyone was asleep — except me — that’s when all my worries came flooding into my mind like a tsunami. They say that we each have 83 problems, but at night it feels as if there are 83,000 problems swirling in our minds!

Can you relate? For those of us 30+ and older, getting quality sleep is a big deal. Being a woman in the 21st century is not easy — from the “mental load” to the glass ceilings, we’ve got a lot going on. That’s exactly why we created Radiate Calm! It’s a magnesium cream that you can apply by day to soothe stress and anxiety, and when applied at night, it can also help you sleep more soundly. Let me tell you why you need more magnesium in your life!

Magnesium Is Essential

Magnesium is an essential nutrient that our bodies require to be healthy. It is the most abundant mineral in our bodies, and is involved in hundreds of important processes, from regulating muscle and nerve function, to maintaining blood sugar levels, to bone formation and strength, detoxification of the liver, and more. Some magnesium is found naturally in dark leafy greens, nuts, seeds, legumes, and whole grains. 

Low Magnesium Levels are Common

Even if you eat a wide variety of whole fruits and vegetables, you still may not have enough magnesium — and you are not alone. Millions of people have less than optimal levels of magnesium. Because of changes in farming over the last century, there are less nutrients available in the soils, and that means less magnesium is available in fruits and vegetables you eat. Food processing also strips away nutrients like magnesium (another good reason to avoid those types of meals). Some common medications also deplete magnesium levels in your body. 

Signs of Low Magnesium

Common symptoms that may indicate your magnesium levels are low include: restless legs, insomnia, high blood pressure, muscle pain, anxiety, fatigue, migraine headaches, and osteoporosis. Magnesium acts as a “co-enzyme” for over 300 processes or reactions in the body, meaning that it is a partner along with other nutrients. When magnesium isn’t present, or isn’t present in high enough amounts, that process cannot happen. Calcium and magnesium are a good example: magnesium helps convert vitamin D into an active form that increases calcium absorption. Getting enough calcium is necessary because your bones are constantly rebuilding, and you need magnesium’s help to make sure that the calcium you get from other sources is useable.

Magnesium Soothes Anxiety & Aids Sleep

 Magnesium has been shown to help reduce anxiety, stress, relieve insomnia, and improve relaxation because of its effect on the HPA axis. The HPA axis is our central stress response system that connects our brains to our endocrine systems. It’s where the brain and the stress-regulating hormones talk to one another, and it’s how stress is carried between our minds and our bodies. Magnesium is a genius at regulating this system. It turns out that magnesium interacts with GABA receptors, and helps maintain healthy amounts of serotonin. The body even needs magnesium to create neurotransmitters! Scientists are finding more and more benefits of magnesium as research into this important mineral continues.

How to Use Radiate Calm

 When you don’t have time for a luxurious soak in Epsom salts (I sure can’t do it every day!), Radiate Calm is a quick calming treatment that you can apply between business meetings or while carting the kids around during carpool. Just a pump or two on thin-skinned areas, like your hands, arms, chest, or the backs of your knees, will do the trick. 

Before bed, you can apply Radiate Calm directly to your legs if you are struggling with restless legs at night. Try it every night for about a week, and you will likely notice a difference!

And did you know that dark chocolate with a high cocoa content is a good source of magnesium? If you’ve ever craved chocolate before your period, it makes sense why. If you are already using Radiate Balance for PMS, you can add Radiate Calm as well, to see if your chocolate cravings and anxiety melt away during your next period. Give it a try and let us know how it goes! 

Dänika Randolph Oliverio

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